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Revised Policy Effective for Registration for Summer 2021


Students may have the opportunity to repeat a course, but they are limited to a maximum of two attempts for any given course. Attempts are defined as earning a grade in a course or late-dropping the course. If a student withdrawals from the university for the semester, courses from that semester do not count as attempted courses as defined in this procedure.

A student may repeat a course only if they earned a grade below a "C".

However, in extenuating circumstances, students may request an additional attempt or repeat a course in which they earned a grade of "C" or better.

Additional Attempt:

To determine whether a third attempt will be granted:

  1. Prior to the first day that a student may register for the next semester or as soon as a student is aware of the need for a third attempt, a student who wants to attempt a course for the third time must consult with an academic adviser in the student's unit of enrollment to determine whether or not one additional attempt at the course is in the best interest of the student. The student must identify the reasons why the two previous attempts have been unsuccessful and reflect on how these past challenges will be addressed in a third attempt. The student may provide documentation that supports a third attempt.
  2. If, after consulting with the academic adviser, the student wishes to request a third attempt, the student must submit a Special Course Repeat Request form to the academic adviser. The form must be submitted at least 10 university business days prior to the first day of classes of the semester for which the student wants to enroll. Exceptions after this deadline are at the discretion of the student's unit of enrollment.
  3. The academic adviser is responsible for ensuring that the request is submitted to the associate dean in the student's unit of enrollment. In addition, the adviser should indicate on the form whether or not there is academic support for a third attempt.
  4. The associate dean will review the student's request and adviser's comments to determine whether another attempt of the course will be approved. If approved, the associate dean forwards the Special Course Repeat Request form to the campus Registrar who will enroll the student. The Registrar will enroll students for a third attempt only after all other students who are degree candidates have had a chance to enroll (i.e., after the first day of registration for degree-seeking students who have completed 0.0 credits).
  5. If the request is approved but the campus Registrar determines that there is not sufficient enrollment capacity in the semester requested, the campus Registrar will place the student on the waitlist for the course, if available, and notify the student. The student should be informed that enrollment in future semesters will require submission of a new Special Course Repeat Request form, will depend on enrollment capacity in future semesters, and that the decision to continue with an additional attempt may result in slower progress towards the completion of the degree. The student should be encouraged to meet with an academic adviser to discuss alternate academic plans.
  6. If there is not approval for a third attempt, the request to repeat the course will be denied. The associate dean or designee must provide written notification to the student in a timely manner of the decision to deny the request. The student should also be encouraged to meet with an academic adviser to discuss alternate academic plans.  Allowing attempts beyond a third time can be considered when no other viable academic pathway exists for the student and the needed course is the sole obstacle to completing a degree program. 

Repeating a Course with a grade of "C" or better:

Students seeking to repeat a course in which they have earned a grade of "C" or better must consult with an academic adviser in their unit of enrollment to determine whether repeating the course is advisable.

  1. If, after consulting with the academic adviser, the student wishes to request permission to repeat the course, the student must submit a Special Course Repeat Request form to the academic adviser. The form must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the first day of classes of the semester for which the student wants to enroll. Exceptions after this deadline are at the discretion of the student's unit of enrollment.
  2. The academic adviser is responsible for ensuring that the request is submitted to the associate dean in the student's unit of enrollment. In addition, the adviser should indicate on the form whether or not there is academic support for a repeat of the course.
  3. The associate dean will review the student's request and adviser's comments to determine whether the request will be approved. If approved, the associate dean forwards the Special Course Repeat Request form to the campus Registrar who will enroll the student. The Registrar will enroll students for a special course repeat only after all other students who are degree candidates have had a chance to enroll (i.e., after the first day of registration for degree-seeking students who have completed 0.0 credits).
  4. If the request is approved but the campus Registrar determines that there is not sufficient enrollment capacity in the semester requested, the campus Registrar will place the student on the waitlist for the course, if available, and notify the student. The student should be informed that enrollment in future semesters will require submission of a new Special Course Repeat Request form and will depend on enrollment capacity in future semesters.
  5. If there is not approval for the special request to repeat the course, the request will be denied. The associate dean or designee must provide written notification to the student in a timely manner. The student should also be encouraged to meet with an academic adviser to discuss alternate academic plans.
  6. Even if a higher grade is earned in the repeated course, Grade Forgiveness cannot be applied (See AAPPM H-2).
Senate Policy: 47-80, Repeating Courses

Approved: ACUE (10-6-16)
Revised: ACUE (3-2-17)
Approved: ACUE (4-4-19)
Approved:  ACUE (10-3-19, Effective Summer 2020)